Volume 5, Issue 3-4 (New series) / July - December 2017Anton AdrianFeb 26, 20191 min readEDITORIALThe XIV National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Prof. Dr. Iuliana DOBRESCUORIGINAL PAPERS: CLINICAL OR BASIC RESEARCHRisk factors associated with adolescent drug use Lucia Emanuela ANDREIUCognitive distortions and depressive symptomatology in a group of adolescents from the general population Ana Maria Ciubotariu, Laura MATEESCU, Iuliana DOBRESCUSTATE OF THE ART Autism spectrum and schizophrenia spectrum – overlap and continuity Mihaela STANCU, Iuliana DOBRESCUReceptors involved in the etiology and neurocognitive disfunctions in schizophrenia Diana BĂRBULESCUNonepileptic sleep movement disorder Anca CERLINCĂINTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL RESEARCH - ESSENTIAL SKILLSResearch in psychiatry – purely positivist or not? Alecsandra IRIMIE-ANACASE REPORTAsperger Syndrome and comorbidity with psychotic disorders Irina GROSU, Malvina IONESCU, Alexandra Mariana BUICĂBOOK REVIEWManual of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu - Reviewed by Lucia Emanuela ANDREI
EDITORIALThe XIV National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Prof. Dr. Iuliana DOBRESCUORIGINAL PAPERS: CLINICAL OR BASIC RESEARCHRisk factors associated with adolescent drug use Lucia Emanuela ANDREIUCognitive distortions and depressive symptomatology in a group of adolescents from the general population Ana Maria Ciubotariu, Laura MATEESCU, Iuliana DOBRESCUSTATE OF THE ART Autism spectrum and schizophrenia spectrum – overlap and continuity Mihaela STANCU, Iuliana DOBRESCUReceptors involved in the etiology and neurocognitive disfunctions in schizophrenia Diana BĂRBULESCUNonepileptic sleep movement disorder Anca CERLINCĂINTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL RESEARCH - ESSENTIAL SKILLSResearch in psychiatry – purely positivist or not? Alecsandra IRIMIE-ANACASE REPORTAsperger Syndrome and comorbidity with psychotic disorders Irina GROSU, Malvina IONESCU, Alexandra Mariana BUICĂBOOK REVIEWManual of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu - Reviewed by Lucia Emanuela ANDREI